Strong Women

Strong Women offers weight training for mid-life and older women 3 mornings a week in the Social Hall.  The group uses both free weights and adjustable ankle weights.  No floor exercises.  All equipment is supplied by the quarterly donations of participants.
Meeting times:  Mon. – Wed. – Fri.  10 – 11 a.m.

Contact Person:  Sarah Frey   530/842-4980

​​Yreka United Methodist Church

Book Club

The Book Club meets the second Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m.  The members take turns choosing a month to select a book.  That person would then choose the location to meet (we meet at different restaurants in Yreka and occasionally at someone’s home). The person who selected the book would pay for appetizers for the group, and everyone pays for their own beverage.  All members read the same book each month, and we discuss the book when we meet.  We currently have about 8 members.  I am currently leading the book club, and can be reached at 530-842-4291.  

WorkOut Women (WOW)

WorkOut Women offers a total body workout to keep women fit and toned including a focus on bone density.  Workout routines include weights, exercise bands and floor exercises.  The leaders keep issues of knees and hips in mind.  WOW meets in the Social Hall.  The summer program moves to a private pool for water aerobics.  All equipment is supplied by quarterly donations of the participants. 

Meeting times:  Mon. & Thurs. 5 – 6 p.m.

Contact Linda for summer schedule
Contact person:  Linda Thornburg   530/262-5586